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EU supports National Justice Information System

January 10, 2020

Wiersing noted that the European Union, through the GOJUST Programme, provides valuable support for the development and implementation of the National Justice Information System (NJIS) providing a strong automated information management system.


“We are pleased that the EU is able to help develop a National Justice Information System which could , in time, integrate other automated systems and institutional databases such as the eCourts system, prosecution case management system and other databases in a coordinated manner”, he said.  “This will be a valuable contribution to the automation efforts of the government.”

“The EU Delegation reaffirms its commitment to strengthening the justice sector in the country as it remains a key element in our cooperation portfolio”, said Mr. Thomas Wiersing, Charge d’Affaires of the EU Delegation.


The DOJ and the DILG signed an agreement to implement data sharing for the single carpeta system, making it possible to generate, share and analyse data on criminal cases.  The single carpeta system, which forms part of the National Justice Information System (NJIS), unifies jail records where corrections agencies like BuCor and BJMP will refer to only one portal. Furthermore, the DOJ, DILG and their respective agencies, in an Agreement with the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT), will have the latter develop and host the NJIS information exchange platform. 

Due to the momentum generated by the activities and initiatives supported by the GOJUST Programme, the goal of strengthening cooperation, communication and coordination among the various justice sector agencies are further realized. 

The two Agreements contribute to the strengthening of case and data information management between various law enforcement and corrections agencies. 

Criselle Capistrano, GOJUST Communications Officer

0917 855 6302


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